There are two types of consent that may be obtained by medical personnel: (1) informed consent, and (2) implied consent. Some type of consent must be given before any medical treatment can be rendered. Because he had automatically given implied consent when he obtained his drivers’ license, he cannot claim invasion of privacy, or unreasonable search and seizure. In this example of implied consent, Martin can choose not to take the breathalyzer test, or any of the other tests the officer recommends, but he does not have a right to do so without consequences. Martin is indignant as he refuses and berates the officer, claiming that he must have been sitting across the street from the bar bent on pulling over a large number of cars to make a “quota.” The officer smells alcohol on Martin’s breath, and can tell he isn’t too steady, so he gets him out of the car, and asks him to take a breathalyzer test. A police officer, who sees Martin swerve too close to the curb, then swing wide to narrowly avoid hitting a parked car, stops Martin. An hour later, having downed “a couple of beers,” Martin gets in his car to head home. Martin stopped at the local sports bar to have a couple of drinks with his friends after work. The reason the courts have held that DUI implied consent laws are constitutional, is that there is an implied responsibility to protect the public from property damage, personal injury, or even loss of life. Under DUI laws, refusing to take such tests when directed by a law enforcement officer may result in suspension of the individual’s driver’s license, and often stiffer penalties. This generally includes being required to submit to a field sobriety test and/or a breathalyzer test, and in some cases, a blood test.
has driver licensing laws that specify that anyone who obtains a drivers’ license has automatically given his implied consent to be subjected to certain tests to determine whether his is driving under the influence of alcohol or other substance. Drunk Driving Implied ConsentĮvery state in the U.S. Because of this, implied consent laws are considered to be a reasonable assumption to exercise the state’s police power.

Driving is a privilege – Nobody has a right to drive on public roads and highways.have adopted two philosophies regarding the legality of implied consent in DUI cases: While implied consent in DUI cases are the most challenged, the courts in the U.S. The courts have generally upheld implied consent laws as being constitutional, though they have invalidated laws that allow the states to revoke someone’s license without first holding a hearing. Many, many people charged with DUI have claimed that forcing them to submit to testing violates their Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure, as well as their Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination.

Implied consent laws are frequently challenged for a number of civil rights reasons, primarily in DUI cases. Even though such a driver may not give explicit consent, consent is implied by the act of accepting a driver’s license, and by getting into the car and driving on a public road. In such instances, anyone suspected of driving under the influence has impliedly consented to submit to blood, breath, or urine tests to determine the nature and level of intoxication. As an example of implied consent protecting others, most states have implied consent laws that are inherent in driving on any public roadway. Implied consent laws are intended to protect both the person who is assumed to have given consent by his actions or circumstance, and in some situations, to protect others.

Implied consent may be assumed in medical situations, legal representation, contract issues, and others. Implied consent laws exist in all jurisdictions, and cover a broad variety of circumstances. Implied consent is used in other areas as well, such as law enforcement testing of drivers suspected of driving under the influence (“DUI”), and contracts are often undertaken by implied consent, without the parties even realizing it. In such a case, it is implied that Alan would consent, should he be able, and the paramedics treat him as such. S an example of implied consent, should Alan be knocked unconscious at his job on a construction site, he cannot give paramedics consent to treat him, yet it is clear he needs help.